In 2011, my wife and I discovered reborn baby dolls while browsing eBay for Monster High dolls. My wife bought me my first reborn baby doll shortly after that and it has been an addiction ever since then. We have been painting dolls since 2011. During our career my wife and I have both made prototype dolls for many sculptors. Here are a few sculptors we have worked with: Bonnie Brown, Olga Auer, Ping Lau, Laura Lee Eagles, Lenka, Melody Hess and Nicole Russel.
My wife decided to give her hand at painting these dolls and then I soon joined her. We have been making dolls ever since then.
I have been featured on The Daily Dot, , ABC30 News, the New York Post and the The DRs.
How I became nlovewithreborns2011, happened back in 2011. Lol. After buying my first doll, I started to not feel comfortable with being a grown woman playing with a doll. So Jackie told me to go on YouTube and look for videos with "reborns". I started my channel just to connect with other collectors. I never imagined it would be as large as it is now. I am truly appreciative of all my fans. We are a family, FANMILY!